Golf Society News Letter Issue 002 August 2002


      Penderbrook Pushover for Newcomer Chris Hughes


Penderbrook proves to be no match for newcomer Chris Hughes as he scored 39 points off a 20 handicap to win the societies second outing and first Captain’s Challenge event. It turned out to be a great day for all as the weather was good, and we had 17 participants, 10 of whom were first-timers. The Long Drive winner was Mario Ortega which may also qualify for most improved. Mario’s reign as Goat-boy from last months event ended as Vernon Hardy won that honor. He’ll hold the honor until next month or until someone else earns it, which could be longer if those lessons don’t kick into effect soon. Actually, Mario and Vernon played in the same group and their competition went back and forth for most of the day. Going into the last hole, it could have gone either way. Vern was a good sport in accepting his defeat and the challenge to rise above next month, and Mario, well, Mario is still talking about that 2nd shot on the 18th hole, “you should have seen it.” The closest to the Pin was won by another new-comer Mark Conroy.

All in all, it was a good day. The course was in good shape, the service was very helpful and the food hit the spot. There was a point when we thought we might loose two participants to the birth of a child and grandchild. Diane Beauchamp, (Dave’s wife and Claude Benedict’s daughter), was threatening to go into labor that morning. As it turned out, she held off until the following Tuesday and gave birth to a healthy daughter. It was considerate of her to wait and not interfere with our important event. Thanks Diane! Congratulations to the family and to the happy mother who can now drink beer for the first time in 9 months. Imagine nine months without beer, another reason why men do not have babies.

More on that later. . .

One last thing in this cover story, in a strategy to avoid winning the Goat-Boy award it has come to the attention of the committee that Paul Tierney is recruiting only golfers who are worse than he is. Nice thought Paul, but, I'm willing to bet that any person off the street will know which end of the club to hold and that alone should be enough to take you on. So, do what Tiger says to do, practice more!

Captains Challenge July 2002 



Chris Hughes


Goat-Boy Award

Vernon Hardy


Long Drive

Mario Ortega


Closest to the Pin

Mark Conroy



Membership Drive Still on:

We would like to grow the membership to a level where we can average 20 to 28 players per outing on a regular, monthly basis. If you know someone who enjoys golf, is fun to be around, and might be interested in participating in an outing, please contact Rick Sterrett or John Sullivan for more details. Thanks !

Contact Information:

Rick Sterrett Mobile: (301) 529-2747 John Sullivan: Mobile: (703) 622-0084

Home: (703) 736-9815 Home: (540) 554-8871

Next Months Meeting:

Bull Run Golf Course:


Bull Run Golf Club Phone: 703-753-7777
3520 James Madison Highway Toll Free: 877-753-7770
Haymarket, VA 20169 Fax: 703-753-0938

The next Golf Society meeting has been set up.  It is August 28th at 1:00PM
at Bull Run Golf Course.  Cost will be about $60 includes Greens Fees, Cart, Food afterwards at the awards ceremony, and prizes.

We hope you all can make it. Please contact John Sullivan by phone or email ( ASAP to hold your spot.

About the Course:

Selected by Golf Magazine as the Best New Public Golf Course in
Virginia for 1999

During the Civil War the capture and occupation of strategic positions in the fields and woodlands surrounding Bull Run Mountain was executed with precision, courage, and a delicate balancing of risk versus reward. Almost a century and a half later, the battle continues on the course at Bull Run Golf Club.

As the echoes of blasts have faded, the sounds of crisply struck balls, camaraderie and laughter have taken root. Rick Jacobson’s harmonious blend of nature and architectural savvy give life to a track of land described by The Washington Times as "the way a golf course should be designed."

Enticing scenery calls to golfers beckoning them to leave the many amenities and spacious interior for a memorable round.

After cart attendants have loaded golfers’ bags, the campaign begins with wide fairways open to the elements. The march then takes players through woodlands, over creeks and across natural reserves, challenging both the beginner and better player to employ a complete arsenal of shots and maneuvers.

At the conclusion of the battle players can relax and reminisce about the contest with a hot meal and cold drink as they watch the sun set over Bull Run Mountain and bring to a close a war that will continue for years to come.



Upcoming Events:

Mark your Calendars!!! The September 2002 Autumn Classic will be held on Wednesday September 18th, 2002 (at Virginia National in Bluemont, Virginia)

Pen Pusher News

Pen Pusher Web Site Under Construction

Paul Tierney has set us up! We now have a web site, thanks to Paul. Content is on its way. Suggestions and contributors are welcome!

Congratulations to Dave Beauchamp

Dave and Diane Beauchamp are happy to announce the arrival of the newest Beauchamp. Catherine Ann Beauchamp was born on July 31st, 2002 and weighed 7lbs 8oz. Mother, Father, baby and two older brothers Nick and Thomas are doing fine. Rumor has it that Claude Benedict (Dave’ father-in-law) is doing fine, too.


Captain’s Corner: When to take a provisional shot

When should you hit a provisional ball? Is a Provision Ball a “mulligan?” What happens if you hit a provisional ball and then find your original ball inbounds?

Rule 27-2 Provisional Ball:

If a ball may be lost outside a water hazard or may be out of bounds, to save time the player may play another ball provisionally in accordance with Rule 27-1 (Ball Lost of Out of Bounds). The Player shall inform his opponent in match play or his marker or a fellow-competitor in stroke play that he intends to play a provisional ball, and he shall play it before he or his partner goes forward to search for the original ball.


If he fails to do so and plays another ball, such ball is not a provisional ball and becomes the ball in play under penalty of stroke and distance (Rule 27-1); the original ball is deemed to be lost.

    When Provisional Ball Becomes Ball in Play
The player may play a provisional ball until he reaches the place where the original ball is likely to be. If he plays a stroke with the provisional ball from the place where the original ball is likely to be or from a point nearer the hole that that place, the original is deemed to be lost and the provisional ball becomes the ball in play under penalty of stroke and distance (Rule 27-1).


If the original ball is lost outside a water hazard or is out of bounds, the provisional ball becomes the ball in play, under penalty of stroke and distance (Rule 27-1).

If there is reasonable evidence that the original ball is lost in a water hazard, the player shall proceed in accordance with Rule 26-1.

Exception: If there is reasonable evidence that the original ball is lost in an immovable obstruction (Rule 24-2c) or an abnormal ground condition (Rule 25-1c) the player may proceed under the applicable Rule.

    When Provisional Ball to be Abandoned
If the original ball is neither lost nor out of bounds, the player shall abandon the provisional ball and continue play with the original ball. If he fails to do so, any further strokes played with the provisional ball shall constitute playing a wrong ball and the provisions of Rule 15 shall apply.


Note: Strokes taken and penalty strokes incurred solely in playing a provisional ball subsequently abandoned under Rule 27-2c shall be disregarded.

How to interpret this rule:

There are two circumstances where it would be wise (and save you time) to hit a provisional ball.

    Whenever you think you may have hit a ball out of bounds. Out of bounds is usually marked by white stakes.
    Whenever you think you won’t be able to find the ball you just hit. It could still be in bounds but somewhere you don’t think you’ll be able to locate it. You have five minutes to search for a ball once you arrive in the area where you believe it is.
You must hit your provisional ball from a drop close to the same place as you hit your original ball. If you were hitting from a tee, you can tee up another ball.


If, after hitting a provisional ball, you happen to find your original ball (and it is in bounds) you may abandon your provisional ball without penalty. If you continue to play with your provisional ball (i.e. you can’t find the original or it was out of bounds) you must take a one stroke penalty and count you original and provisional strokes. If you have hit a ball and find it has landed out of bounds (whether you lose it or not), you must go back to the place where you originally hit the ball out of bounds and take a one stroke penalty. So a provisional ball saves both time and the embarrassment of traveling backwards on the course to hit again.

There are circumstances where a provisional ball does not make sense:

    You have hit your ball into a hazard (like a pond or stream) that is marked by yellow or red stakes. Different rules apply about where you may place your ball outside of the hazard. See next months Captain’s Corner on hazards.
    You have hit a shot you don’t like and you’d like to take a mulligan…. There is no such thing as a Mulligan in golf, except for a large pub near the famous Irish golf course called Rosa Penna.
    You are on the green.
Remember, you must announce your intention to hit a provisional ball to your opponent or marker before you hit it.